Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Korolev and friends at home

from Ralf Heckel

This get together at the home of the Korolev family is not official. Here are all private friends of the former chief designer together. They give toasts to a lot of histories. Also some officials come to be there.

Today there were u.o.:
- Mr. Lopota (actual chief designer, Energia)
- Mr. Davydov (vice president of Roscosmos)
- Boris Tchertok (98, pioneer of the beginning)
- Cosmonaut Kubasov
- wife of Cosmonaut German Titov
- Yuri Kara (regisseur of the Korolev-movie)
- and many other.

It is a pleasure for the International Space Education Institute to be a part of all this people. Very touchable is the speach of Boris Tchrtok (98), a real pioneer of space exploration and rocket scientist from the beginning:

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