Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First ride on our Moonbbuggy in the USA

Stephanie (Steffi) Fleischer
Moonbuggy Team 2010

April 05th, 2010


Only four days left until the race begins and our Moonbuggy is still in our bagage.

First I get up at 7 o'clock. Today we gonna make our first training together. I wake up Stefan and Max, which were seleeping like babies. We go out and run in our neighboourhood. After that we strech and have breakfast. Then I call my Grandma in Germany to tell her what happend the last days. She is very excited and cannot beliefe what I experiance here in America. It`s alost eleven o'clock in the morning and we have to go to Ralf's and Yvonne's friends' Kay and Vernon.

At Headrick's garage we have the possibility to assemble our vehicle. We take about six hours to unpack the parts and tools of the Moobuggy.

My flap is still so big, because of the TV- Show yesterday. So I sing along happy with the songs on the radio. At the evning we get already ready. When Vernon, the housekeeper, shows us a very nice viewpoint near his house, while the sun is setting.

After the walk and some grips on our vehicle it's time for our first ride in the USA. We ride down the Rainbow Hill. We did an speedrecord of 57 km/h or 35 mph, in night! I am so frightened, because Stefan has got all the power. But we arrive secure und healthy at Hedrick's. Very tired we drive to our Hotel and go to bed.


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